Designing Your Home Office 

Minimalist home office with blue walls

When considering home office cabinetry and other design details of your work space, there are multiple factors to take into consideration. You must not forget that the purpose of the room is to get work done. Having a cozy and comfortable space is something to be valued but not at the expense of getting work done. Here are the top 3 things to consider when designing your new home office. 

  1. Noise 

What you want in a work space, above all, is for it to be quiet. This will often require high-quality cut to fit doors and insulated walls. This should also be taken into consideration when looking to install speakers into a newly designed office. Adding insulated bookshelves will also serve as an additional barrier between you and the noise. Noise reduction is the difference between a functional home office and one that is just designed for aesthetics. 

  1. Lighting 

One of the most important aspects of a newly designed home office is lighting. This is for both obvious and lessor known reasons. The obvious being that without good lighting, reading and writing would cause difficult strain on the eyes. The last thing you want is to make your work harder than it needs to be. The lessor known reason is that most home offices are usually operating throughout long hours so they can lead to high electricity costs. Efficient Home office lighting is a fundamental aspect of what makes a home office operable.  

  1. Furniture 

Strategic furniture placement is key for a functional home office. What you want is furniture which supports ergonomic sitting positions and accessibility without the needing to reach. Making sure that everything is within the vicinity of your work space is extremely important. The last thing you want is to lose track of thought while in the middle of work because you have to constantly get up to look for something. A functional home office is centered around reinforcing focus onto your work. That is also why it is highly recommended that you do not install a television or any speakers in your office unless it is absolutely necessary for the completion of your work. Studies have shown that installing a television or speaker set in your home office reduces productivity by up to 36%. It also reduces task focus by an average of 8 minutes per hour. Modern offices aim to be fancy and add a lot of unnecessary electronics but these are the antithesis of a functional home office. For more information, please contact us and we’ll help you design a home office which best suits you. 

We hoped this was useful! For more information feel free to look around our website or reach out to one of our sister companies Century Cuts & Sienna Renovations.

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You can also take time to reach out to one of our sister companies Century Cuts & Sienna Renovations. Also look for us through our local partners: Meta MarketingSalam Vancouver MagazineDaneshmand Magazine, & Salam 118 Directory.

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